Monday, November 23, 2009

List Of Rules

The rules for Hyrule Village are short, simple, and need to be followed; they are the following.

  1. Princess Zelda is of the highest command.
  2. The other five leaders, Brooke, Jenna, Nolan, Sarah and Connor have command over everything. They cannot overrule Princess Zelda, like she can overrule us.
  3. We will always use the buddy system. Brooke and Jenna, Sarah and Nolan. Connor is considered a loner since he joined our city past deadline. Never shall anyone (other then Connor) be alone or separated.
  4. If you are out walking alone, and get caught by a bear or something dangerous, we are not going to help you. You shouldn't have been alone in the first place.
  5. Jeff LeBlanc and Megan Fox are under our command.
  6. Music may never be turned off.
  7. Day time is for sleeping, night time is for living, we will turn nocturnal.
  8. the Boogey man will NEVER be brought up. Ever.
  9. 100 people maximum living in this city at a time.
  10. Every Tuesday we will have a Power Rangers and Transformers battle.
  11. No shirts for the males.
  12. No stray animals are to be brought upon the kingdom.

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